
I think that the participatory culture and the network is going to expand and become an even more major part of society than it is today. If we look at the way the internet has changed our generation other generation we now have a lot of new and different technologies that we have available to us now that wasn’t around. In our participatory culture, we have social media which is a very big in culture now, is new way that people express themselves and communicate with other. Communication is one of the main things that we are always trying to improve. We can we that with the way the cell phone have changed over the years. There was a time when you could only use a phone to call, but now you sell cell phones today and you can do all different type of things on it that connects you with your peers around you.  The internet has given many individuals a platform to do many different things.  I believe one of the main things it has done is given people a place to expresses themselves in many different ways. The internet the biggest way today that music is heard and circulated. I believe with our generation people want to be more and more creative, the internet is a place where you see the most creativity. Before it was only a few people whose music you could hear over the radio because that use to be one of the only platforms but now the person consuming music can also become a producer of any content with the internet platform. Public pedagogy has changed drastically, before you had to be tough something step by step before you learn. This has change because now people are learning things on their own, the internet is one of the major reason we can do that.  Creativity is something we see now with all the new ideas people spread on the web. That’s what curation is people share many different ideas to create their own work from all over the web.  Digital media has gotten better and better over the years people are inventing lots of new different inventions all the time. Our social activities I would say has shaped our generation, because everyone is part of some social activity. Social media I think has been the biggest thing to change our participatory culture. I’ve learned all the different things that has shaped the way we communicate as a society and how everything is always changing.

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